Get Published by IPP
If you have a soul story on paper, in your computer, or even in your head, and think it fits in with Inner Peace Press's mission, let us know!
Our mission is to publish books that support the reader to better know themselves, and those around them, thereby building greater connection among us all. We love to print stories that help others know they are not alone and provide a new perspective for the reader.
When your book is published with IPP, we edit, design, print, distribute, promote and sell your book, and pay you royalties!
If you have a completed manuscript, or if would like to see if writing coaching is right for you -- schedule a meeting with Heather at the link below, or find the "Contact" link in the footer to send a message.
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Connect with Heather
Schedule a meeting with Heather Felty, Publisher of Inner Peace Press, if you would like to discuss services for self publishing, being published by Inner Peace Press, or other questions about publishing in general.