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Amber Lohret, a former psychiatric nurse, shares her experience in accepting her new self, her new life, her new reality after facing a traumatic incident that resulted in a life-long TBI. No longer able to work as a nurse, Amber has since found solace in finding new modalities of healing others including reiki and yoga. In “Invisible” she shares details of what she had to overcome to recognize her (new) self, and share this new identity with loved ones and friends, despite looking the same on the outside.

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Before You Go

This book is a matter of life and death.

"Before You Go" guides you toward a conscious relationship with the fact of your own mortality and through that helps you to envision and step boldly onto the path of your most inspired and authentic life.

This book is a workbook, and the work is you. Full of meditations, activities, journaling and writing prompts, this book connects you deeply to your own wisdom, passion, and vision. It will awaken and affirm your soul's purpose and open the door to a life of meaning and joy.

Anticipated release date: June 10.
Available now for pre-order.

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Transcending Through Servant Leadership

How can a leader serve an organization/group/country with the highest impact, while still being aware of the purpose of the roles of all involved? This book supports the understanding of a leader’s role in bringing positive outcomes for everyone.

Anticipated release date: June 10.
Available now for pre-order.

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